Best Blogging Tips: To Start a Blog in 2024

Friends, if you are going to start blogging in 2024, then first of all know about these Blogging Tips and Tricks mentioned here and understand them.

You should know that blogging is a long-term successful career option, which takes time to be successful. But, once your blog becomes successful, then, believe me, your blog works like a money-making machine.

Blogging gives you a Name, Fame, as well as money (and the freedom to work). Blogging is one of the best career options, and the best part is, you don’t even need anyone’s help to do it. You can create your blog sitting at home, and you can achieve success.

But, for that, you have to do blogging properly. Many new bloggers do not know the correct way to do blogging and do what they understand, in the same way. And then after, they make a distance from blogging.

And it is not even necessary that every time you should learn by making a mistake. Sometimes we should learn from the mistakes of others.

Therefore, in today’s article, I will tell you about the mistakes that new bloggers often make, that you should not do.

And, also, I will also give you some great blogging tips for how to do blogging properly.

So let’s start and know about these best blogging tips.

7+ Blogging Tips for New Bloggers (To Create a Successful Blog in 2024):

Blogging Tips for Beginners

Choose the Perfect Blog Niche

The blog topic chosen by you decides whether you will be able to succeed in the blogging field or not and how much time it will take.

A Perfect Niche can help you earn millions in a month if you have chosen a Blog Subject with the right Concept, planning and research.

Write Unique article

If you are a new blogger and you have a new blog, then I would like to tell you that in the beginning, you have to write a unique article for that blog. Such articles are completely new and unique.

If you want to index your blog quickly, with a good rank in the SERPs, then from the very beginning you have to focus on the unique article.

For this, you can also take the help of the ‘question hub‘ of google. Here you will find many such questions according to your blog niche, which people search on the Internet through Seach Engine.

You can publish a complete blog post on these searched topics. In this way, your blog will rank quickly in search engines other than Google and your blog authority will increase.

On Page SEO

SEO means “Search engine optimization“. You have to work on the on-page SEO of your blog from the very beginning. This includes optimizing H1, H2, H3, Title Tag and Image in a proper way. In this way, you will be able to crawl, index and rank your blog properly in any search engine.

  • SEO-friendly Images: Always upload good quality pictures in the PNG, JPG, WEPG format and customize their file name according to the blog topics.
  • Internal linking: You have to do proper internal linking in your blog. Internal linking means, ‘Linking one of your blog posts to another blog post‘. It keeps user engagement on your site and also maintains your Blog Bounce Rate.

Keyword Research

Keywords are a very important factor in any kind of blog. Before starting blogging, attention should be paid to Keyword Research, because Keyword plays a huge role in making the blog successful.

Whenever you publish an article in your blog, always do keyword research. Because when you write something but no one will search for that written topic on the internet, then who will read your blog?

Write any article by focusing on the keywords in your blog, which people often search on the internet. Only then you will be able to earn good money from blogging. (Note: Your content should be simple, not written for search engines only.)

Use a Responsive Blog Theme

Today, mobile users are the main reason for the internet traffic of the whole world, which means you are going to get most of the traffic from here. Therefore it is very important for your blog theme to be responsive.

A Responsive Blog Theme means, “Your blog loads well on desktop as well as mobile so that any type of user can easily access your blog content.” To be successful in blogging, take care of the user experience on your blog.

Check broken links

If any of the links in your blog are broken, then it can create trouble for your blog. And, it also spoils the experience of your blog reader. Also, Google can rank your blog behind this.

Broken links are web pages that the user cannot access. Whenever a user tries to access broken links, the webserver returns an error code.

If there are broken links on your site and visitors cannot access the information, they will move to a different site which increases your bounce rate. So you must fix Broken links.

Use Social media

In today’s social media era, if you want to be successful in blogging, then you must promote your blog on social media. Also, make sure to create an account for your blog on all social media.

When your content is shared on social media, they bring traffic to you. Sometimes it turns into your permanent reader. So you must put an account and gadget blog related to social media.


So, friends, these were some very basic blogging tips. I hope this will help you a lot and blogging will become a good source of income for you.

Happy Blogging..!

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